Star Cement Code of Conduct


The Star Cement Code of Conduct outlines the ethical principles and standards that guide our business practices and relationships. We are committed to complete transparency and the responsible discharge of fiduciary duties, upheld by both our Directors and Senior Management.

To ensure these values remain integral to our operations, the Board of Directors has formally adopted this Code of Conduct for all Directors, Senior Management, and employees. The Company's Secretary will serve as the Compliance Officer, ensuring adherence to these standards across all levels of the organization.



Every employees and directors of the Company should comply with this code. Company’s ethical standard shall be built in the time to come. The management assumes a special obligation for their own awareness and effective communication of the code to the employees.


Fiduciary duty

All Directors as well as Senior Management Executives and/or personnel while dealing on behalf of the company will exercise the power conferred upon him / them and fulfill his / their duties honestly and in the best interest of the company.


Conflict of interest

The Directors and each Employee of the Company must not allow personal interest to conflict with the interest of the Company or to come in the way of discharge of duties of office. They should not engage in a business, commercial relationship or commercial activity with anyone who is a party to transaction(s) with the Company. Noneof the Directors and/or Senior Management Executive and/or personnel will exploit an opportunity arising while associated with the Company for his personal gain either directly or indirectly.



The Board of Directors shall delegate substantial power of management of the affair of the Company to a Managing Director or any other Director where there is no Managing Director.The Board shall also delegate specific power to various committees formed in accordance with the Companies Act 2013 and the Listing Agreement.



The Directors/Executives shall practice a conduct that promotes equality of gender, class, caste and opportunity and should promote the same values and also exercise their duties in a manner that encourages healthy, personal and career growth of the employees of the Company.



The Directors and Employees of the Company must maintain confidentiality of the information and shall not use confidential knowledge for their direct or indirect personal advantage or for the advantage of any other entity in which they have a direct or indirect interest.The Company’s confidential information includes product information, product plans and list of customers, dealers and Employees and financial information.


Ethical Conduct

All Directors/Senior Management Executives shall strive to ensure complete implementation of and adherence to the Code in an utmost professional manner.It shall be the duty of the Company Secretary to bring to the notice of the Directors in advance instances of non-compliance by the Company.

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